Start the app server, check the log or console output to make sure it starts without errors. There should also be some extra logging to indicate that the AspectJ load time weaving has occurred.
Run the test application past the point at which you want to capture the test data. This means that the code at which you setup the AspectJ pointcut in aop.xml should have run.
Check the location that you configured in log4j.xml to see that the log file you configured was created and contains some content. The content should be some java code with methods creating java objects.
// public mock.explanation.Customer createParam1Customer_au_com_dw_testdatacapturej_explanation_ExplanationTest_joinPointParamForCustomer() { mock.explanation.Customer customer0 = new mock.explanation.Customer(); customer0.setFirstName("John"); customer0.setSurName("Smith"); return customer0; }
It is assumed that you have already setup the test application as a Java project in whatever development environment that you build and test it with. If not, then you will need to do so, e.g. setup the test application as a Java project using it's source code or with the test application jars that you want to test, as well as their dependencies. Basically this project needs to be setup so that you can run some unit tests against the test application code that you generated the test data for.
Setup you unit testing framework in the test application project, e.g. JUnit, TestNG, etc.
Create a dummy java class file that only has an empty class.
package mock.explanation; public class CreateTestCustomerClass { }
Copy and paste the java code from the generated log file into the dummy class file.
package mock.explanation; public class CreateTestCustomerClass { public mock.explanation.Customer createParam1Customer_au_com_dw_testdatacapturej_explanation_ExplanationTest_joinPointParamForCustomer() { mock.explanation.Customer customer0 = new mock.explanation.Customer(); customer0.setFirstName("John"); customer0.setSurName("Smith"); return customer0; } }
Try to compile the dummy class, and if it doesn't compile then you may need to do some manual edits to the code.
This may involve
changing the code to conform to the test application source code
commenting out parts of the code that don't compile if they are not relevant to your testing
Alternatively there are some configurations you can do to handle some common problems. Have a look at the tutorial for some examples of this.
Create a unit testcase using the dummy class that will now contain code that creates the test data objects that you want to test. Then run your testcase.
public class CustomerTest extends TestCase { public void testGeneratedCustomer() { CreateTestCustomerClass testObjectCreator = new CreateTestCustomerClass(); Customer customer = testObjectCreator.createParam1Customer_au_com_dw_testdatacapturej_explanation_ExplanationTest_joinPointParamForCustomer(); assertTrue("John".equals(customer.getFirstName())); assertTrue("Smith".equals(customer.getSurName())); } }
Of course, for this very simple example using TestDataCaptureJ is overkill, but imagine if the generated test data was hundreds of lines of code ...